Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I, Bri, am hacking Tori's blog... wish her a happy 12th birthday!!!!

And in honor of this special occasion, here are twelve things about Tori......

She is very good at...
1: Putting Peter to bed.
2: Making us laugh!
3: Art :).
4: Giving hugs :)...

This year she has...
6: Learned how to make bread.
7: Grown to be almost as tall as me...
8: Helped raise money to bring several orphans home :).

And some of the things I *love* about Tori are...
9: Her wonderful sense of humor.
10: The late nights she spends talking to me :).
11: Her fun and creative ideas :)!
12: Her love of (and sharing of, ahem..) chocolate ;).

I love you, Tori! Happy birthday!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Tori! I love you :)!!!

  2. :) I love you too, :)!

  3. That's okay, I hacked Facebook, Hoohoohoo, HaHaHa!

  4. Happy Birthday Tori! You are such a beautiful and inspirational 12 year old!! :) :)

  5. Tori Tori Tori!!!!!!!!!!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    I shall now do two things to you:
    1. BaBaBa
    You're welcome!:D
    ~Blessings and bubbles

    1. Hahahaha!!! I just saw this!!!! We miss YouKnowWho ;)!!! Appropriate Comment and turn off the minions ;)!Chocolate! ;)

  6. Or should I say "Appropriate Comment"

  7. Youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now that song, now it's in my head!
    I shall now do Three things to YOU....
    1. Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh...
    2. When we're together
    3. Oh, oh, oh.......
    (And I shall NOT say Thank You!)
    Ninety Million Forty Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Nine Smiles!!!!! (Beat that! You have to really do them, not just type them! Ha!)
    Bacon! Broccoli! Biscuits! Beef!
    The One And Only Moi, As Far As I'm Concerned!!!!!!

  8. I shall not condescend myself upon your level, Moi. And you'd better watch out, because I will call you Moi for the rest of your life, and if you don't believe me, ask my friend Esther, who I call Frederica because once when I was seeing her for like the second time in my life I had to ask, "I'm sorry, but would you refresh me on your name?" And she said, "Frederica!" And I said "Oooohhhhh right now I remember!" And then everyone laughed and then her name was Esther and then I said, "Just for that I'm going to call you Frederica!" And dahling, I have never failed to do that!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    Love you Moi!:D
    ~Blessings and bubbles,

  9. Pahdon me, make that "whom I call Frederica."

  10. Dahhhhling And Most Esteemed Anonymous...
    And IIIII shall sometimes always call you YouKnowWho, because you seem to Take A Fancy To It, Dear Anonymous YouKnowWho. I will call you YouKnowWho when I think about it, but _ _ _ _ _ (Enter YouAreThePersonSoYouBetterKnowWho's name on the dotted line) is just sooooo much like you, that I could nevah evah think of you as anything but, well, YouKnowWhatNameI'mThinkingOf, without doing some hard thinking to remember to call... you... (You should know your name by now...) (You do, don't you???!!! If you don't, will you give Moi the honer of renaming you? You will be Squish-y, and you will be mine, you shall be my Squish-y...) anything but, well, YouKnow.
    And, as there is really nothing more to say in reply, I will have to wait until I have an email, or Ten Most Important Questions to answer to.
    Pink Ponies!
    Love, Moiiiiiii!!!!!!
    The End.
    *Fade Out*

  11. Yes, but Moi, you SHALL NOT get the last word, so we can all ignore your corny little fadeout, because we ALL know that you're still just hiding behind the curtain. And THAT means *bwahahaha* I cans fiiiiinnnnnndddds youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D And I agree to the name "Squishy," on the condition that you MUST call me YouKnowWho more often than you call me Squishy.
    You must.
    And please do accept my apology for not emailing you and forcing you to wait for that long. *Head down* I'm sowwy.
    Snorfly sniff.
    YouKnowWho/The Squishmeister.
    Dunnnn dunnnnn dunnnnnnnnnnn DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!
    (nyah nyah mine's bigger than you--ursss!!) >:))))))

  12. You know if anybody else sees this debate, they might possibly think we're insane. Which is PROGRESS!!!!! Because you always used to call me that, but now I know (heehee) you are too, Mademoiselle Moi! :D
