Saturday, August 31, 2013


That's something I really struggle with. I get irritated easily, and then I am very ungraceful.  Especially on the days when nothing seems to be going right. When I'm in the middle of making bread, more laundry needs started, Peter is playing in the toilet, Emmi is playing in the soap, making a huge mess with it in the bathroom, "Hey, Tori! I forgot! We need to mow today!", Bethi wants to do clay and needs my supervision, Abbi breaks her balloon animal I made her, and "I weawwy, weawwy need a new one! Pleasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!", the washer is beeping, and it's lunchtime, and I still have not finished the bread for lunch, and we need to make an unexpected trip to the store (no, it has never been this bad, and only a few times has it been close ;)!), I need to remember to pray for grace. I'm "just too busy", but, truth is, if I want to ______ (fill in the blank), I make the time for it! Yes, I know we all have a human nature, but that is no excuse! I need to pray for God to help me be graceful, humble, and forgiving throughout the day. And I need to do my part in making it happen, remembering not to just pull my hair out and vent, because I do that a lot (no, I have never pulled my hair out, lol! Though I have come quite close before... hahahah!:P), and I need to remember that I can't have grace on my own, because...

       " He gives us more grace." James 4:6a.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Little Laughables...

Emmi was looking for her brown cupcake dress and she could not find it. She said; "Guys! I can't find my dress! This is very 'concerting'!"

Later Abbi was being silly and Emmi said; "That is very "instructions"!"

Abbi's birthday food wish list was: "Waffles, bacon, eggs, donuts for a snack, pizza, cake, ice cream, popcorn, and M&Ms. Oh! And I can't forget syrup for my waffles!" Wow... 

Bethi was wondering why we worked on a Sunday, and Bri was explaining it to her; ", even though the bible says not to eat pig, that was for people before Jesus came. So even though it's healthy to follow the Mosaic law, it's not mandatory anymore." Bethi got this blank look, and said; "Um... I wasn't talking about the pig. I said nothing about the pig!"

Bethi, while reading her bible a while back... 
"Moses wrote Exodus?! I thought he died in the middle Exodus!"
Bri and I answered, "Yes, he wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy."
"O...kay? (Trademark of Bethi, :). She has her own unique way of saying 'okay', "Ooo...kay?" :).) I thought he died."
"Not in Exodus, but he does in Deuteronomy."
Blank look.
"Someone finished it for him, probably Joshua."
Bri says: "I should have told her that Joshua dead before his book, duly named Joshua, was finished, also..." Haha! (Oh, and the other day she was wondering "How in the world did Moses know how God made the world, 'cause, like, he wasn't even born when He made it!", :).)
The other night, Abbi asked Emmi what Emmi's name was. Emmi said; "Emmi.", really quietly. Mommy said "Say it loud. Say 'Emmi' really loud." Emmi said "Emmi, really lou- I-I mean Emmi!"

Lol! I hope you enjoyed!

Happy Fifth Birthday, Abbi!

Happy Birthday, 'Buddy'! I love you so much, and I have enjoyed watching you grow! I look forward to seeing you grow into a young woman for Christ! I pray this next year will be very blessed, beautiful, bouncy, Abbi-girl!

Happy Birthday!