That's something I really struggle with. I get irritated easily, and then I am very ungraceful. Especially on the days when nothing seems to be going right. When I'm in the middle of making bread, more laundry needs started, Peter is playing in the toilet, Emmi is playing in the soap, making a huge mess with it in the bathroom, "Hey, Tori! I forgot! We need to mow today!", Bethi wants to do clay and needs my supervision, Abbi breaks her balloon animal I made her, and "I weawwy, weawwy need a new one! Pleasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!", the washer is beeping, and it's lunchtime, and I still have not finished the bread for lunch, and we need to make an unexpected trip to the store (no, it has never been this bad, and only a few times has it been close ;)!), I need to remember to pray for grace. I'm "just too busy", but, truth is, if I want to ______ (fill in the blank), I make the time for it! Yes, I know we all have a human nature, but that is no excuse! I need to pray for God to help me be graceful, humble, and forgiving throughout the day. And I need to do my part in making it happen, remembering not to just pull my hair out and vent, because I do that a lot (no, I have never pulled my hair out, lol! Though I have come quite close before... hahahah!:P), and I need to remember that I can't have grace on my own, because...
" He gives us more grace." James 4:6a.