Saturday, June 16, 2012

What Andrew found on the back porch...

Cats!!!  They came on the seventh. At first there were two kittens and than one more came. The mom was so skinny! After Daddy came home from work, he fed her some meat and raw egg. We've seen her some more since then, and she found a TON of raw meat in the trash can, and ate it :P.


Thursday, June 14, 2012


(Yes I'm fine, and back!)
I will now commence to start to write, for your benefit, a quick way to have fun on a rainy day, even though you may think it more fun to play in the rain then do any thing else, which I don't.                   


1/2 cup corn/tapioca starch

1/4 cup water

Mix WELL, or the starch will just be sitting there, and it won't work.

Ooze-Brick lasts for about one week. (When purple throw away! :)!)

I named it 'Ooze-Brick' because it oozes through your fingers when it is in it's liquid form, but then it becomes a solid when you squeeze it. Its original name was oobleck.

God bless!!!